1st devlog of Veneers

Hello everyone I hope you've been having a wonderful spring, my name is Hemlock Grove and this is my first ever devlog for Veneers.

Veneers is a narrative driven 3d adventure game about a girl in a small town filled with smiles.

Veneers is the first ever game that I'm actively working to try and get released and not let it get abandoned and I'm hoping to get it out before May of next year. So far at the time of this devlog coming out, I've planned out the events in the game, started working on concept art to show everyone, writing dialogue, and teaching myself 3d modeling in blender. 

By the next devlog (which should be next week or the week after) I plan on having the following:

  • Character concept art
  • A third of the game fully written
  • The start of a demo up (no promises on this though)
  • One game location built in blender 

I plan on posting a devlog every 2 weeks or so with a good chunk of progress to report and (hopefully) something to show in each dev log, I will also be posting a roadmap or something like that in the next devlog. If you would like to have more frequent updates let me know. And if you have any suggestions please let me know that as well.

Have a good day everyone,

Hemlock Grove

P.S.: Attached to this is my first attempts at blender


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Aaah. Looking forward to your future devlogs!