2nd devlog of Veneers

Hello everyone it's me again, hope you all have had a wonderful 2 weeks since my last update.

Regrettably I have not reached most of my target plans due to general life hecticness but I have been working on it. So far I have 1/3rd of the game written but not edited down yet, and several cut scenes planned out. I have also worked out more game mechanics. 

So from the previous list of plans:

  • Character concept art ✕
    • I forgot how to art and got artblock.
  • A third of the game written ✓
    • I did do this though and I'm currently in the process of editing it.
  • The start of a demo up (no promises on this though) ✕
    • I said no promises on this part but I did open Godot and stare at an empty project for a bit.
  • One game location built in blender ✕   
    • I started it in blender and then lost the file in a tragic accident (not that tragic but it felt like it) and it didn't auto save.

What I have accomplished outside of the plan:

  • The start of a UI design
  • More blender knowledge
  • A combat mechanic (though whether or not i have the actual knowledge to execute said combat is highly questionable)
  • More of the world planned out
  • A rough plan for development (I probably will revise this further in development)

What I plan on accomplishing before the next devlog:

  • A location
  • Part 1 edited
  • Character Art
  • Actual work on a prototype/prologue/something

I have decided to break up my game into 3 parts out of ease and right now there are about 4 scenes per part but it will probably be more than that as I get further along in this. If you have any suggestions, tips, advice, or anything else please let me know, if you would like more frequent updates lemme know and if you would like realtime updates I do have a discord server that is a little bit  (a lot) barren.

See everyone next time,

Hemlock Grove

P.S.: Attached to this is a writing snippet, what screenshots I had of what I was working on in blender before it got deleted, and a current 'plan' for what my dev plan for this game looks like.


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(1 edit)

yo whats this... it looks great